My last entry chronicled my new Curava recycled glass counter tops that I purchased from Merrimack Stone in Merrimack NH. But I needed to do something to the cabinets to match the pizazz of the stone. So I found this paper at Paper Source called Flora and Fauna Marine Fish & Irish Algae Wrapping Paper and I took my tired, boring laminated cabinet doors and dropped them to the bottom of the sea, figuratively, that is. I used Mod-Podge as my primary adhesive and sealer and finish coat. After about four more coats of Modge Podge that will cure over the next few days, I will seal it with an acrylic sealer. Even with all my practice of making collages, I still found that I couldn't get all the paper covering the doors perfectly flat, but with the active pattern and the underwater theme, and lots of sealer, they look terrific! I think.
As you can see, I took off the larger door on the one cabinet that had adjustable shelving, covered the shelves with a coordinating paper and glued a sheet of the paper in the back of the cabinet to carry on the theme. I especially love the drawer fronts on the base cabinet on the opposite wall. Now the next project is to finish off the back splash with some tile. I'm thinking glass tiles or something I saw tonight at the Home Depot. It's not cheap but I only need a few square feet and I think it will finish it off. Check back soon to see if I've been able to do it.